Elevate Your Home's Exterior: Trendy Paint Colors to Consider

In the world of home design, the exterior is just as important as the interior. Your home’s facade sets the tone for its overall aesthetic, making a lasting impression on guests and passersby alike. Whether you’re giving your home a fresh coat of paint or embarking on a complete exterior makeover, choosing the right colors is essential. To help you stay ahead of the curve, we’ve curated a list of trendy paint colors that are sure to elevate your home’s exterior. Spectrum is also happy to provide a free color consultation with our color expert to help with your project!

Clas­sic Navy: Navy blue has emerged as a time­less yet trendy choice for exte­ri­or paint. Its deep, rich hue exudes sophis­ti­ca­tion and pairs beau­ti­ful­ly with a vari­ety of archi­tec­tur­al styles, from tra­di­tion­al to mod­ern. Con­sid­er pair­ing navy with crisp white trim for a strik­ing con­trast that com­mands attention.

Hale Navy HC-154
Hale Navy HC-154

Earthy Greens: Embrace the tran­quil­i­ty of nature with earthy green tones for your home­’s exte­ri­or. From sage to olive, green hues evoke a sense of seren­i­ty and har­mo­ny with the sur­round­ing land­scape. These col­ors work par­tic­u­lar­ly well for homes nes­tled in lush, ver­dant set­tings, cre­at­ing a seam­less con­nec­tion to the outdoors.

House- Say­brook Sage HC-114, Trim- Cloud Cov­er OC-25, Door- New­bury­port Blue HC-155

Warm Neu­trals: Neu­trals are a peren­ni­al favorite for exte­ri­or paint, and warm tones are cur­rent­ly in vogue. Shades like caramel, taupe, and warm beige offer a cozy, invit­ing vibe that com­ple­ments a wide range of archi­tec­tur­al designs. These ver­sa­tile col­ors lend a sense of time­less­ness to your home­’s exte­ri­or while still feel­ing mod­ern and fresh.

Balboa Mist OC-27
Bal­boa Mist OC-27

Soft Blues: Soft, mut­ed blues are gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty for their sooth­ing and calm­ing effect. Think pale sky blue or dusty slate tones that add a touch of seren­i­ty to your home­’s façade. These gen­tle hues are per­fect for coastal or cot­tage-style homes, evok­ing the tran­quil atmos­phere of sea­side retreats.

Providence Blue 1636
Prov­i­dence Blue 1636

Bold Reds: For those who crave a pop of col­or, bold reds are mak­ing a come­back in exte­ri­or design. From vibrant crim­son to deep bur­gundy, red exudes ener­gy and per­son­al­i­ty. Use it strate­gi­cal­ly as an accent col­or for doors, shut­ters, or trim to make a bold state­ment with­out over­whelm­ing the entire façade.

Crabby Apple SW 7592
Crab­by Apple SW 7592

Mod­ern Grays: Gray con­tin­ues to reign supreme as a go-to neu­tral for con­tem­po­rary homes. Opt for sophis­ti­cat­ed char­coal or soft dove gray for a mod­ern, min­i­mal­ist look that oozes ele­gance. Gray pairs effort­less­ly with oth­er hues and mate­ri­als, allow­ing you to cus­tomize your home­’s exte­ri­or to suit your per­son­al style.

Revere Pewter HC-172
Revere Pewter HC-172

When choosing a paint color for your home’s exterior, it’s important to consider factors such as architectural style, surrounding landscape, and neighborhood regulations. Additionally, don’t forget to test paint samples on your home’s exterior and observe how they look in different lighting conditions throughout the day. We’re also happy to provide our color consultation services for your project, free of charge!

Ultimately, the goal is to select a paint color that not only reflects your personal taste but also enhances your home’s curb appeal and complements its architectural features. With these trendy paint colors as inspiration, you can give your home a stylish makeover that will leave a lasting impression for years to come.