Why Winter is a Great Time to Paint Home or Business Interiors

Winter may not seem like the most ideal time to paint a home or business’s interior, but there are several advantages for the astute home or business owner. Below, we discuss several of winter interior painting’s upsides.

Good Spot on the Calendar…and Maybe Some Great Deals!

In spring, summer and fall months it can be hard to find a good spot on a painting contractor’s calendar. You might have to wait awhile to get that project completed that you really wanted done yesterday. In the winter, customers have better options. If a customer wants it done quickly, like in December, it’s quite a bit easier to schedule. If, however, you want to schedule for February, that’s easy, too. You also might run into some great deals in the winter that wouldn’t normally be available in the spring or summer for interior painting!

Faster Drying Times

The summer months are humid, especially in New Jersey. The Northeast’s winter months, however, are not. That means the winter air will dry your interior paint job more quickly than the air in the summer months.

Fortunately, most paints are very low-VOC and emit very little paint odors. Even though it might be cold, we’re still able to crack the windows or run an exhaust fan to help eliminate any odors and to speed up the drying process.

Projects Completed Faster

Yet another great upside to the winter interior paint job is that painters can do their work longer inside than they can when painting exteriors in the summer months. As long as you don’t mind the painters being around the home or business a bit longer as they complete the day’s work, your interior paint job will come to completion that much more quickly.

Great Lighting

Part of the beauty of painting in winter: The light is terrific. A sunny, snow-covered landscape casts wonderful light that illuminates almost an entire room, except for those little, dark corners. Even when there is no snow, very cold days are almost always clear and sun-filled. As for choosing colors, your best bet is to get color chips or even a little pint sample of paint and see how they look in a sun-drenched room during the day and how they look with lights on in the evening. A color will look different depending on the lighting.

Fortunately, most paints are very low-VOC and emit very little paint odors. Even though it might be cold, we’re still able to crack the windows or run an exhaust fan to help eliminate any odors and to speed up the drying process.

Do you have an interior project that you’d like completed this winter? Give Spectrum a call today at 973-706-6033 to schedule an estimate. We also offer color consultations to eliminate the stress of choosing colors! Did you know we offer other services besides painting, like cabinet refinishingcarpentryhandyman services and concrete floor coatings!