How to Store Leftover Paint to Withstand the Harsh New Jersey Winter

At Spectrum Painting, we are always trying to add value to your painting project by properly labeling your paint cans after your interior or exterior painting project has been completed. In addition to labeling your paint cans, there are other simple steps you can take to extend the life of your leftover paint.

Here are a few things we recommend:
1. Store paint cans in a dry location where temperatures are above freezing.
2. Keep paint cans away from direct sunlight or extreme heat from a furnace or boiler.
3. Place a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the can before sealing it.
4. Close cans using a mallet to insure a tight seal.
5. Store cans on plastic or wood shelving to prevent cans from rusting.

If stored properly, leftover paint can last up to ten years.

We hope you found these painting tips helpful. If you have any interior painting, exterior painting, wall paper, carpentry, power washing, deck refinishing or epoxy floor coating questions, we would be happy to answer them. You can email us at or call us at 973-706-6033.

Spectrum Painting and Paper Hanging LLC has been in business since 1989 and is the leading provider of interior and exterior painting services in Wayne, NJ and the surrounding areas. Spectrum Painting and Paper Hanging LLC serves Passaic County, Bergen County, Morris County and in additions to interior and exterior painting services, also provides the following services: wallpaper installation and removal, carpentry, power washing, deck refinishing, epoxy floor coatings, and more.

Call us today to schedule your FREE estimate! 973-706-6033